Team Tracks
Look at the map below to get a good reference for this photo. The red arrow shows the location and camera angle. The stub tracks (marked with green crayon) are team tracks. The freight car on the left is on the team track, not on the Overbrook main. The P&CSRR narrow gauge track that crossed the top of the valley is out of use at this time; the railroad quit operating in 1912. PRCo uses the loop which is connected to the tracks going up the hollow (see the blue crayon marks). The track marked in red crayon is going to an old P&CSRR tunnel, which is much higher up on the hillside. This track could be narrow gauge railroad track but there are line poles in the photo indicating it to be wide gauge PRCo track.
This photo was probably taken in the early or mid '20s; the high school, appearing directly above the Admin Building, was opened in 1917. The Liberty Tubes in 1924, so those ventilating shafts could have been there in 1923. The map, which corresponds to the photo is dated 1927. The time could be anywhere in there. Those cut-back tracks still existed in 1935, but the vehicles predate that timeframe.
A couple other things of note; the truck is painted for a Tech Ice Cream. The freight car on the left is not in either series F1 - F9, the windows don't match. Could it be a line car? It is double trucked and there appears to be a ladder on the roof. The single truck car has a placard on the roof with a "4" painted on it, is that the car number? Finally, the third billboard from the camera is being painted, there is a man on a scaffold (I cheated on this one).
Thanks to everyone who helped identify the pieces of this photo.
Reproduced with permission of The Miller
Library, Pennsylvania Trolley Museum.