What is left of that Mystery track
At one time, onto the 30's and maybe 40's, there was a outbound track that connected the main line directly to 40 Mt. Washington. Although a mystery for a time, this appears to be the original alignment of the 38-42 lines before the Overbrook line was connected in 1908. This outbound connection to 40 Mt. Washington remained intact for a number of years, the turnout was located further inbound that the junction of the 38-42 lines and seemed to run like a gauntlet for a distance before branching off. Eventually the connection to the main was removed and the track remained a stub on the outbound route 40 track until the junction was torn up. This track was used mainly for work cars that carried ties, rail, and sand. M-551, 701, and 211, (forerunner of 210), were staged there for the next day's run to Shannon, Charleroi, and/or Washington, PA. for maintenance chores. M1, the Pay car, sometimes made paydays on this stub. Also very clear in this picture are the overhead signaling switches.